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Geological Society of Australia

Tasmania Division

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GSA Tas Division News


14th Geoscience Forum 28th of November, 2024

Save the date and think about accommodation for the 14th Tasmanian Geoscience Forum


Tullah Lodge has been chosen as the venue for the 14th Geoscience Forum on the 28th of November 2024.


The Lodge will be undergoing some renovations which will impact on the availability of accommodation. Please think about this if you are intending to come and book early there or nearby!!



GSA Tas Division promotion



Rebecca Carey talks with Bruce Houghton about the current eruption at Geldingadalir, Iceland!


Our first recorded zoom interview with world renowned volcanologist Bruce Houghton. Rebecca Carey has recorded a recent conversation she had with Professor Bruce Houghton about the new eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula Iceland that commenced in March this year. 


The interview also shows some footage of the eruption and answers some key questions relating to the eruption dynamics at Geldingadalir.


The interview can be streamed by clicking on the image above or HERE!



GSA Tas Division event


Found a fossil survey

Sally Hurst is a Masters of Research student with Macquarie University in Sydney. She is currently undertaking a project that asks the Australian community what they might do if they ever discovered a fossil, or an Indigenous artefact (fossils and artefacts are both included in this research as they are often items found on the land by property owners, and are often mistaken for each other). These questions about fossils and Indigenous artefacts are being asked through an Australia-wide survey and is open to every person over the age of 10, with the aim of promoting the celebration and conservation of natural and cultural heritage material in Australia.


The survey itself is completely anonymous, and only takes about 6 minutes to complete. You can check it out here:


If you wanted to know more about Sally’s project and the work that I’m doing, you can check out the website she’s built:


GSA Tas Division promotion

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King Island SEG Field trip - co-sponsored by GSA - Trip Report

GSA Tasmania Division was proud to help sponsor students to attend the  5-day field trip to King Island in April. Here is a report on their adventures:


Between 13th - 18th April 2021, UTAS Earth Science postgrad students and staff participated in a student-run SEG student chapter fieldtrip to King Island.


The aim of this trip was to discover the unique geology of the island, particularly focusing on the Economic geology, a mutual interest amongst all students and staff on the trip.


The trip was made possible by Geological Society of Australia sponsorship and fundraising activities by the SEG student chapter. Read more about the trip through our newsletter or by clicking HERE

or watch the vlog (video blog) of the trip HERE


GSA Tas Division event

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Festival of Bright Ideas (FoBI): Earth Science stall

On the 20th and 21st of August the Festival of Bright Ideas (FoBI) was held at the Princes Wharf in Hobart. An Earth Sciences stall run by Hannah Moore and Acacia Clark with help from Alex Farrar, Karla Morales and Zeb Zivkovic delighted visitors with volcanic explosions, gemstone identification samples of fossilised wood and ferns, and Rosie the Utah Raptor.


Both days were jam packed with visitors, the Friday was a schools only day and the Saturday open to the public. A total of 5000 people visited FoBI, a testament to the love of all things science, technology, engineering and math.

Rosie a life-size, life-like robotic dinosaur who roamed the exhibit hall roaring, chirping and showing her impressive teeth was a crowd favourite as was the miniature volcanic explosion.


Read all about it in our newsletter HERE or listen to Hannah Moore's radio interview live from FoBI HERE




GSA Tas Division event

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Oct 2023 Newsletter

Click image for most recent newsletter..


August 2023 Newsletter

Click image for most recent newsletter..

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June 2023 Newsletter

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April 2023 Newsletter

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November 2022 Newsletter

Click image for most recent newsletter..


Geological Evolution of Tasmania - book

The flagship publication of the Tasmanian Division of the GSA, “The Geological Evolution of Tasmania” (Special Publication 24 of the GSA) is available for ordering. All details are available on a specific part of
the Utas CODES web site:

Copies of the book can be obtained personally from Deborah Macklin or Caroline Mordant ( or phone on +61 3 6226 7537 (Thursday morning only)).


Members Price is A$90 + GST + postage where appropriate. Postage can be avoided by buying in person from Deborah Macklin in Earth Sciences (University of Tasmania).


The book is also available at Fullers Bookshop and at TMAG in Hobart, and in
the Devonport Bookshop, Devonport. Prices at these sites may vary from GSA prices, and the member price is not available at these sites either.


Sept 2023 Newsletter

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July 2023 Newsletter

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May 2023 Newsletter

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March 2023 Newsletter

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October 2022 Newsletter

Click image for most recent newsletter..


Past Newsletters

please email 

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About the GSA

Earth Science is a driver for a better world. We represent all Earth Science disciplines. The Mission of the Geological Society of Australia is to promote and advance Earth Sciences. The Tasmanian Division of the GSA hopes to promote Earth Sciences in our local community. 

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